
CO2 Reduction with KÖSTER TPO Pro

KÖSTER TPO Pro is one of our most sustainable products. With a recycled polymer content of > 50% and a high SRI value (Solar Reflectance Index) of > 94, we have launched a new leading product on the market. We have also recently received certification for our CO2 balance from the SKZ - Das Kunststoff-Zentrum, which states that the use of 1,000 m² of KÖSTER TPO Pro roofing membranes, for example, saves 1,860 kg of CO2. At the same time, KÖSTER TPO Pro is extremely durable with an expected service life of well over 30 years. Due to the superior reflection of the sun’s rays and heat, the roof heats up less and thus saves cost for air conditioning and the low temperatures put less strain on the roof structure.  





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